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This was a great interview. I got me youtubing all the old sesame street segments I loved as a kid. What’s funny is, I used to... » More

On FOF #926 – Sesame Street Cred

I see videos like this, and I just wish that I lived with you guys or was a regular on the show or something. Too much... » More

On Bear of a Man Sleeping

I used to have the tapes of the Jungle Book where Eartha Kitt does the voice for the snake! I played them so much the tape... » More

On FOF #907 – What’s Hot When It’s Cold

To Michael – Oh no, the Rock is doing another kid’s movie? I hope he does it justice. It’ll be interesting to see how much, if... » More

On FOF #904 – Incredibly Strange Christmas Music

There she is! She’s in this video! » More

On FOF #904 – Incredibly Strange Christmas Music