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I forgot, Johnny Dangerous was great, I love your show, because it introduces people and artist that are interesting to the gay community. Woof 🙂 » More

On FOF #847 – Clay Aiken is Gay!

You guys were right all along! 🙂 » More

On FOF #847 – Clay Aiken is Gay!

Fausto you are so insightful and then other times you just make me raise my eyebrow, how is self hared (self homophobia) productive? Yeah our creativity and... » More

On FOF #845 – Redefining Spirituality

Steven I don’t have problem with Apple Inc. Yesterday I had just had one too many people tell me to get an ipod, so personally... » More

On FOF #606 – Lesbian iPod

I love the show, buy some shirts everyone I need my fof fix! Even when I have to have the damn ipod shove down my throat every... » More

On FOF #606 – Lesbian iPod