FOF #1287 – Late Bloomers

Nov 11, 2010 · 1985 views

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Lesbian rumors! Although many lgbt folks know from an early age their affinities for the same sex, some come out late in life not because they were in the closet, but because these feelings rised up late in life.

Today, writer Trish Bendix the managing blog editor for After Ellen joins us to talk about “Dear John, I Love Jane” which features her essay on how she suddenly discovered her lesbian love one day.


  1. Barrett says:

    Trish seems to have a lot of chemistry with you guys. I’ve really liked her both times she’s been on the show. Be sure to have her back!

  2. Andy says:

    I love Daft Punk as well, they will finally release a new album in December this year. ^^ But they are actually from France and not UK.

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