Here's the latest in the tag harrison ford

FOF #2538 – Do Drag Queens Dream of Electronic Meet and Greets?

In Blade Runner 2049, a Los Angeles Police officer unearths a long-buried secret that could plunge society into chaos so he sets off in search of answers from the original Blade Runner who has been missing for 30 years.

Today cyber-sexy Drag queen Fox E Kim joins us to take a look at the New Blade Runner 2049 film. Will everyone in the future be able to program themselves the perfect lover?

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 7 years ago 0

VIDEO: Barbara Streisand as a Dominatrix Takes on Harrison Ford

The audio and video quality are very poor but after Babs lashes Harrison Ford you can clearly hear her say “I feel like a faggot.”

Posted in: Videos 13 years ago 2