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FOF #1579 – El Gay Incredible Hulk

Hulk laugh!

The gay Mexican hulk of comedy, Bill Cruz, joins us to take a look at the new Avengers movie, the gay overtones in Captain America and why some folks might be left with a bad taste in their mouth after seeing this otherwise awesome film.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Movies, Podcast 12 years ago 6

FOF #1535 – A No-Homo Bromance

He may look like a scary Satanist on the outside, but comedian Brian Sweeney is nothing but sunshine and rainbows on the inside. Brian is a guy who loves snarky jokes, indie culture and sci-fi TV shows.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 4

FOF #1531 – My Mom Thinks I Dress Too Sexy for Facebook!

Why am I in my underwear? Why wear anything at all? Today we’re talking about the pros and cons of sexing it up on your social media page, blog and apps. Are we losing something by baring ourselves or are the prudes just choking on the way society is moving forward?

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 6