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FOF #2906 – Everybody Rejoice

Over the weekend folks took to the streets to celebrate as news organizations like Feast of Fun and the Associated Press declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winners of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

But being the sore loser he is, Trump hasn’t conceded, sending his goon Rudy Guilani to the Four Seasons… Total Landscaping company to let the world know they’ll fight this in court.

Today we look at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ victory, the celebrations in the streets, and what to expect until the inauguration in January.

Posted in: Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2289 – The Three Most Terrifying Words

For many people, saying “I love you” is terrifying because those three words carry so much of our desires, hope and dreams that we fear won’t be reciprocated by the ones we love.

But, new research reveals that not only is it vital for people to freely express their love, it can lead to much more satisfying sex and can even save lives.

Today, we’re tackling the horrifying fear people have sharing and expressing love, and how to overcome those feelings to invite passion and kinship into your life.

Posted in: Podcast 8 years ago 1