“Queen Kong” Trailer
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Kooky FoF pal Miss Understood sent in this campy clip. Though it’s a comedy, “Queen Kong” looks very much like “King Kong” but with boobs (not on the ape, though). The beauty who attracts the […]
I love it. I just bet Miss Understood was googling Rula Lenska again and Queen Kong popped up! Thank you.
When I was a kid everyone was asking “Who the hell is Rula Lenska?”
From Wikipedia:
OMG, Marc I freakin’ LOVE you!!! I make jokes about Rula Lenska all the time and people never know who I’m talking about. The only reason I remember her is because on the original Pee Wee Herman HBO special his head-in-a-box Genie, Jombie, is doing impressions and he goes “Linda Blair” and spins around like the possessed teen did in the Exorcist, then he yells “Peggie Flemming” and does a triple spin like the famous figure skater, and finally he says “Rula Lenska”, smiles politely and recites the beginning of those VO5 commercials… “friends are here from Europe”.
Guess you had to be there. But her name has stuck in my mind all these years, so I’m glad to hear someone else remembers her.
This video reminds me of some people I know.