Here's the latest from shane



I do live in Phoenix. I’d love to hang out sometime, maybe when it’s not raining… » More

On FOF #1119 – A Gay Mormon in Russia

I &hearts Cameron! Hey, Fausto, I just friended Cameron on Facebook, I have to see this beautiful ex of hers you always drool over whenever she... » More

On FOF #1125 – Cameron the Barbarian

I loved the show! Being a gay ex-missionary myself, it was interesting to hear J Seth’s take on the experience, although I didn’t get to go... » More

On FOF #1119 – A Gay Mormon in Russia

YEAH Threepeat!!! » More

On Feast of Fools Wins the 2008 People’s Choice “Best GLBT” podcast.

I haven’t listened to the show, yet, but I refuse to respect Clay just because he’s come out now. He was the only person I... » More

On FOF #847 – Clay Aiken is Gay!