Here's the latest in the tag dr steven thrasher

Dr. Steven Thrasher on the Viral Underclass

Even though Covid-19, Monkeypox and HIV/AIDS are three very different kinds of viral infections, they all impact some people more than others.

When fighting a pandemic, we like to think that we are all in this together, but folks who face racism, homophobia/transphobia, poverty and homelessness are more at risk than anyone else.

Today professor Dr. Steven Thrasher joins us to look at why it’s critical to address systemic inequality, racism and bigotry when fighting off any pandemic.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 1 year ago 0

FOF #2943 – Steven Thrasher: The Viral Underclass

During the early months of the Coronavirus Pandemic, folks were comparing it to the Spanish Flu of 1918, saying that at the end of the pandemic, it would be just like the Roaring 20s all over again- we’d roll our stockings down, rouge up our knees and all that jazz.

So why don’t we feel like dancing the Charleston just yet?

Today, Dr. Steven Thrasher, professor of journalism and LGBTQ Health at Northwestern University joins us to look at the Coronavirus pandemic and the changes we’ve experienced since he last visited with us a year ago.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 4 years ago 0

FOF #2846 – Fighting Coronavirus by Looking at the History of AIDS

For folks who lived through the early AIDS pandemic, there’s a real sense of dread over coronavirus. Republicans failed to take early action on AIDS and we are still living with the repercussions of that. And just like HIV and AIDS, LGBTQ+ people are especially vulnerable to coronavirus, so we must ask – are we prepared to suffer the same fate as we did with the AIDS crisis?

Today, Dr. Steven Thrasher, professor of journalism and LGBTQ Health at Northwestern University joins us to look at coronavirus and AIDS: how both of these epidemics impact LGBTQ+ people, incarcerated folks and rural Americans.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 5 years ago 0