Here's the latest in the tag glitter bomb

VIDEO: Glitterbomber Thwarted by Secret Service

The Secret Service interrupt a glitterbombing of Romney in Colorado.

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 13 years ago 0

BREAKING: Ron Paul Glitter Dusted

 And then there were four.. On Monday,  Ron Paul was lightly dusted with glitter after a campaign rally at the Minneapolis Convention Center.  Glitterati Mastermind, Robert Erickson (aka Nick Espinosa of Barbarian Fame) posted “Housing […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Trends, Videos 13 years ago 0

Glitter Watch: Mitt Romney

Mit Romney was glitter bombed twice on Tuesday in Minnesota, the glitter bombing capitol of the nation by 2 members of the Glitteratti and Occupy Minneapolis, . Romney’s wife and son brushed sparkles from his jacket […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Politics & Activism, Trends 13 years ago 3

VIDEO: Santorum Gets Glitter Bombed in Iowa

Rick Santorum gets glitter bombed in Iowa as the assailant shouts “Stop the hate! Taste the rainbow!”

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 13 years ago 1

ETSYLEAKS BOMBSHELL: Glitter’s Not-So-Sparkling History

Glitter has been around a long time, long before obscure gay holidays or the current rash of glitter bombings that have dazzled the nation in its wake of sparkles.  Etsy’s All that Glitters: The History of […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Technology, Trends, Videos 13 years ago 1

VIDEO: Feel the Rainbow Glitter Bomb

Anti-gay congressman Paulsen got glitter bombed at a Minnesota Faith and Freedom Coalition strategy session by Michael Cahill. Karl Rove later got a face full of glittet too. –read more

Posted in: Videos 13 years ago 4

VIDEO: Barbarians Glitter Bomb Bachmann’s Clinic

Some fine folks dressed up as barbarians and glitter bombed the offices of Marcus Bachmann. The husband of the presidential wannabe called called gays “barbarians”. who need to be disciplined.” So why not poke fun of his stupidity?

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Videos 13 years ago 6