FOFA #1455 – Evie Harris Thinks She’s Famous
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One of the most beloved films featuring drag queens of all time is Girls Will Be Girls, where three actresses at various stages on the Hollywood food chain navigate the minefield of love, aging and […]
Great show! i can’t say enough how amazing the shows have been recently. Even before + your shows were great…i didn’t think it was possible but you’ve raised the bar. keep it up!
i only recently saw Girls will be Girls and loved it. Loved that you’ve had all the stars on recently. Enjoyed every second of every show!
This is an old show, right?
We rereleased this as a free show so the people who don’t subscribe to Plus get a taste of what they are missing.
ahh, got it. I wasnt sure cuz usually you put a “originally posted on…” at the end of the description and I didnt see it on this one.
You can tell a an archived show at a glance because it reads FOFA instead of FOF.
Ah, cool. What does FOFA stands for?
A is for archive
Ah, of course! Hehehe.
The word “fofa” means soft in portuguese. It can also mean sweet, for a person, but if the person is a bit overweight it may mean you are calling he/she is fat 😀