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Why is it always us Austrians ^^ » More

On VIDEO: Human Centipede Anonymous

There even is an App now in the ITunes store, called ‘Trololo’, it used to be for free, but buggers, you have to pay for it... » More

On Trollol Guy Remixed

I just listened to it, and TAHNK you, now I can’t get this tune out of my head anymore. It is terrible!!! HELP! Gimme something good... » More

On Trollol Guy Remixed

Cool, you deflowered the cake. All three of you, who else can claim that? Congrats to the two b-day children!! » More

On VIDEO BLOG: Happy Birthday Marc and Michael

Familiar with it? Hmm where from? Here in the olden countries, we never heard anything about it…must be an Anglo-American thing. hehehe just kidding. Hope the... » More

On Burke and Hare