Here's the latest from Famewreck

VIDEO: This is a Tribute to the Stars on Facebook

“Good thing for us there’s no cyber STDs.”

Posted in: Culture & Style, People, Technology, Videos 14 years ago 5

VIDEO: Drunk Ass Darren Criss Performs ”Teenage Dream”

Darren Criss serenaded Perez Hilton, at his birthday party this past weekend, with a drunken cover of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream.” In his defense, the camera man was also clearly intoxicated.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, News & Rumors, Videos 14 years ago 2

VIDEO: Foul Play: Angry Birds ”The Movie”

Here’s a new way to waste 2 minutes and 16 seconds of your life.

Posted in: Animals, Technology, Videos 14 years ago 0

Mary Kate and Ashley – Adorably Racist

I doubt we’ll be seeing them anytime soon at any White House State Dinners.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Movies, News & Rumors, Videos 14 years ago 0

Best Bar Mitzvah Video Ever!

Zack Freiman’s got the BEST Bar Mitzvah video ever! He’s a triple threat: Short, Gay and Jewish. Sample Lyric: “I’m Zack. Stand Back. Class Act.” This video has it all: gardening, pottery, Angry Birds, Tween […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, Trends, Videos 14 years ago 3

Britney Spears GMA Leak!

Our favorite middle aged pop princess taped a performance for “Good Morning America,” airing March 29th, but audience videos are already popping up on Perez Hilton and YouTube. Brit’s set consists of “Hold It Against […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Music, People 14 years ago 7

Superman Gets a New Lois Lane

While casting is still “up in the air” for Zack Snyder’s “SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL” two things are certain: Henry Cavill is our new Clark Kent and three-time Oscar nominee Amy Adams, and star of […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Movies, News & Rumors, Videos 14 years ago 4

”Wonder Woman” Finds Her Steve Trevor

Justin Bruening, former Soap Star, A&F Model and poor man’s David Hasselhoff in the short lived “Knight Rider” series can soon add another failed NBC reboot to his resume: Bruening has just been cast as […]

Posted in: Hunks, News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 14 years ago 24

VIDEO: Pussy Whipped

In this Fancy Feast® commercial (Rich White Girl Porn), the closeted gay poster boy for “Young Republicans” proposes to his fiance (The Bosses Daughter) in the most cringe inducing fashion imaginable. I already know how […]

Posted in: Animals, Food & Drink, Hunks, Videos 14 years ago 0


Reply Check out this link! » More

On The World’s Biggest Celebrity Magnet

The Only Review That Matters. » More

On FOF #1761 – The Rich Cultural Legacy of Madonna

Your move Romney. » More

On VIDEO: Rick Santorum Catches Himself Dropping The ”N Bomb” on Obama!

Thanks Mododavid, words can’t describe how this makes me feel. Like that awkward moment when Alicia SIlverstone chews your food for you. » More

On VIDEO: Rick Santorum Catches Himself Dropping The ”N Bomb” on Obama!

As Seen On TV » More

On How You Doin, Tumblr?