Here's the latest from Jonas

Jonas has not posted anything yet!



Sadly his story is one of many. There’s e.g. the heroic 11 year old who defied the killer after his father was shot – and lived.... » More

On FOF #1423 – Surviving the Norway Massacre

Hehe, for now I can apparently only exercise with rubber bands (!), at least for another month. The condition is called ankylosing spondylitis, and whereas exercise... » More

On FOF #1415 – Scott Herman is the Captain America of Fitness

Realise I haven’t commented on here in forever – sorry! But: Having been restricted from working out (!) by my rheumatologist for the last half year... » More

On FOF #1415 – Scott Herman is the Captain America of Fitness

I loved Cathedrals too, but more as he played it just by himself and a guitar. I might just buy the album, but his oh-my-goodness-I-could-come type... » More

On FOF #984 – The Dark Amber Sound of Gregory Douglass

This video makes me want to travel. 🙁 » More

On Detroit’s Magical Airport Tunnel