Here's the latest from Saltina Obama Bouvier

FOF #1616 – 50 Ways to Ditch a Drag Queen

You’re in for a real treat!

The boys from Feast of Fun are taking a little break from doing the show, so they asked me, Saltina Obama Bouvier, a glamourpoous drag queen to do the show for them. I also brought along my sidekick Daphne Dumount. You might not like her though.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Podcast 12 years ago 4

FOFA #1353 – How to Be a Glamorous Drag Queen

Hi there everyone, in case you just stumbled upon this podcast, and are now looking at the photo of the two of us wondering “just who are these two beautiful, glamorous mysterious women?”

This is not the Feast of Fun, it’s the Glamour Diva Power Hour Experience Extravaganza, with Saltina Obama Bouvier and Daphne Dumount! Get ready for a wild ride.

FOF #1403 – A Date with Destiny

Hi there everyone- it’s me Saltina Obama Bouvier, we have an amazing show for you today.

Marc and Fausto are too busy celebrating Pride to do this podcast, and so I took it upon myself to fill in while the boys are out to play. Once again, the women have to do all the work the men don’t want to do. Oh, and Daphne is here too.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Podcast 13 years ago 2

FOF #1353 – How to Be a Glamorous Drag Queen

Hi there everyone, in case you just stumbled upon this podcast, and are now looking at the photo of the two of us wondering “just who are these two beautiful, glamorous mysterious women?”

This is not the Feast of Fun, it’s the Glamour Diva Power Hour Experience, Extravaganza, with Saltina Obama Bouvier and Daphne Dumount! Get ready for a wild ride.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Drag & Trans, Podcast 14 years ago 15
