FOFA #1624 – Hungry for Hate, Nom Nom Nom!

Aug 13, 2012 · 1985 views

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The very funny James Fritz, named by many local publications as Chicago’s funniest comedian joins us to talk about haters who love fried chicken and wether comedians are as slutty as dancers.


  1. Andrew says:

    Hi guys, you mentioned once just how much you pay for data (streaming?) usage and it was alot. The fabulous “Rachel Maddow Show” audio podcast is 45 minutes long. It only takes up 10.1 mb of space AND IT SOUNDS GREAT.

    Your audio podcast on the other hand is a little over an hour long and it takes up about 8,000 1/2 mb or so.

    So, you may want to consider at least cutting it in half. I don’t think anyone will notice a change or get their panties in a bunch.

    There are supposed to be certain “codecs” (or whatever they’re called) that can help to improve sound quality. Daniel Brewer from the “Dubious Intent Plus” podcast knows all about this shit. Call that bitch. : )

    You probably should not change the quality of the video podcast though because people WILL notice a change there.

    You could also have a special link like the ones that the “Best of the Left” podcast and the “David Pakman Show” podcast have on their websites so that our Amazon purchases can result in a painless contribution to you guys.

    Think of it as more money for dildos, nipple clamps, & anal lube. : )

    No need to post this, just wanted to help. Thanks. – Andrew

  2. Andrew- I don’t think it’s the podcasts that jumps the bills for FOF, I think it’s this site. The graphics and videos eat up a bunch and plus all the security and bug fighting that has to be done. I sometimes wish the podcast was focused on the show and not so much bumping up the features and site usage of this site.

    ps. I am a fan of the Rachel Maddow Show as well, along with a few science ones.

    FOF- I do love the show, I just wish it was more focused on the audio and less of the cyberspace. Maybe splitting the two…. lower fee for podcast only, larger for podcast and site usage. It might show you where people are willing to pay for content. (example… I don’t like that you ask for money for an app I wouldn’t even use.)

  3. Thanks guys for your feedback and financial support. If Rachel Maddow had to do her show for free, she wouldn’t do them. If I had to give all the podcasts away for free, I wouldn’t do them.

    If you’re going to ask us to do this show for free, you also need to call up your cable company and ask them to give you cable for free. Also, when you go to the movies, ask them to let you in for free.

    Trust me that we need a functioning website, to do a lot of the things we need to do. Why we need it is part of the secret to our success. For example, if we didn’t have a strong web presence we wouldn’t be able to get the kind of guests we get.

    With regard to the audio file size, it’s a choice I’ve made over the years to consider many factors, like archiving and re-editing of the shows. Audio programs that have a low-bit rate aren’t very practical in the long run. When you re-edit and compress audio several times, you start hearing artifacts which lend to listener fatigue.

    To compare our podcast to a billion-dollar media company is really unfair. A lot of podcasts are available for free because a richer media company sees it as advertising.

    They put out the shows to get people to watch them on TV. If podcasts didn’t increase their viewership, they wouldn’t do them either. Part of the reason why there are such few podcasts is that the whole genre is structured to benefit the iTunes music store and not the content creators financially. We can sell ads, or charge. That’s it. Ad sales is a terrible business model for any content company, and that’s why any thing worth consuming will eventually charge for it.

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