Here's the latest in the tag alex kay

FOF #2458 – World Clique

Despite all the amazing advances we’ve made as LGBT folks, many of us feel lonelier than ever. And even though the internet is tying us all together in unprecedented ways, a lot of these digital friendships are virtual and not brick and mortar relationships that stand the test of time.

Our guest today is a Cruise Director drag queen Alex Kay, who likes to pair up lonely folks at the bars so she doesn’t have to deal with their bullshit.

Posted in: Drag & Trans, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2370 – X-Men: Swimsuit Edition

For years, fans of superstar athletes and comic book superheroes have had a love-hate relationship with their ripped bodies. Despite their obvious sex appeal, some folks aren’t liking how Captain America or gymnast Sam Mikulak have been turned into pin-up models.

Today, nightclub community organizer, comedian Adam Guerino joins us to take a look at the very real and imagined world of sexualized super heroes and superstar athletes.

Posted in: Podcast 9 years ago 0

FOF #2351 – Muscle Queens Who Pump Us Up

Many drag queens draw their feminine inspiration from glamorous or even outrageous women, but some more athletic gals get their drag-spiration from muscular, strong glamazons who are ready to stop a war with love and make a liar tell the truth.

Joining us is Chicago muscle queen Alex Kay, who’s known to arm wrestle, flex and pig out onstage as Kourtney Kardashian eating a Kit Kat candy bar.