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FOFA #1930 – In Crust We Trust

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, find what you love and do it! Comedian Michael Bowen loves to make pies in drag so he became Bertha Mason, the world’s foremost drag queen pie making expert.

Listen as we take a look at the delicious history of pies, and savor Michael’s new take on an old world creation: a winter squash, cheese and sage free-form pie.

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 11 years ago 2

FOF #1930 – In Crust We Trust

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, find what you love and do it! Comedian Michael Bowen loves to make pies in drag so he became Bertha Mason, the world’s foremost drag queen pie making expert.

Listen as we take a look at the delicious history of pies, and savor Michael’s new take on an old world creation: a winter squash, cheese and sage free-form pie.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Food & Drink, Podcast 11 years ago 3

FOF #1168 – Women of the Bible

Just because the Good Book isn’t so good to women doesn’t stop us from having a good time. Today we’re taking a look at the women of the Bible with drag queen pie expert, Bertha Mason and Cindy Sunday from the hilarious Best Church of God.

Listen as Bertha and Cindy talk with us about the multitude of hot religious beliefs that surround us all, robot babies and how Michael found a sexy good time on a chat line. Plus: ruby slippers, prison rape, loneliness and a Chinese grandma goes back to primary school.

Posted in: Comedians, Drag Queens & Kings, Interviews, Podcast 15 years ago 6