Here's the latest in the tag bar mitzvah

FOF #2214 – I Survived Up with People

As crazy as it sounds, in the mid 1960s, the right wing group Moral Re-Armament created Up with People,

The Madonna Bar Mitzvah voguing boy, Shaun Sperling, returns to tell us about his life in a musical cult- Up with People, which aimed to bridge cultures through song and dance. But in reality, it was a conservative effort to thwart liberal youth movements in the 60s.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, YouTube Celebrities 9 years ago 5

Best Bar Mitzvah Video Ever!

Zack Freiman’s got the BEST Bar Mitzvah video ever! He’s a triple threat: Short, Gay and Jewish. Sample Lyric: “I’m Zack. Stand Back. Class Act.” This video has it all: gardening, pottery, Angry Birds, Tween […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, Trends, Videos 14 years ago 3