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FOF #2427 – Bubbe’s Holiday Spectacular

This year Hanukkah lands on Christmas Eve, so which holiday do you celebrate? It’s free, why not both?

Today, comedian Meg Grunewald joins us to squeeze the stress ball of Christmas and Hanukkah. Meg has a new show “Home for Hanukkah with Bubbe” where she gets everyone to enjoy an improvised Hanukkah celebration by playing a Jewish grandmother in a ratty wig.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2310 – If You Can’t Love Yourself

Today we’re joined by Zach Stafford, who writes in the Guardian that although society has progressed in embracing us gender and sexually nonconforming folks, many of us still hold onto the self-hate and shame from before, with sometimes fatal consequences.

If you’re a fan of Zach’s work, catch him on the Daily Show tonight where he’ll be talking about dating and race relations.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 8 years ago 1