Here's the latest in the tag bloggers

FOF #1468 – Nancy Upton’s Adventures in Wonderland

Last month we chatted with Nancy Upton about her over the top entry into American Apparel’s plus size model search.

Since then, Nancy has visited the clothing company and met up with the creative directors and management who were threatened by her sassy criticism of their misguided approach.

FOF #1441 – Nancy Upton is the Next Big Thing

Recently, American Apparel promoted the launch of their plus sized clothing line by holding a modeling contest. Dallas based actress Nancy Upton submitted some hilarious photos of herself in various states of undress, eating obscene amounts of food and sploshing in a bathtub full of ranch dressing.

The photos went viral & everyone declared her the winner, everyone except American Apparel.

Posted in: Actors, Interviews, Podcast 13 years ago 0

Cash-Strapped Local Governments Look for New Revenue Streams

Look out bloggers. You may soon pay for the revenue your blog generates.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Technology 14 years ago 2

Response to the name change “Feast of Fun”

The reviews are in! Marc and I had feared that our name change would leave people in stunned silence, thankfully that wasn’t the case. Change is good! Check out these two hot articles: Feast of […]

Posted in: About the FOF, Media Mentions 16 years ago 4

FOF #951 – Meet the Publisher

Ding dong! Everybody’s ringing the death knell for print media lately, even newspapers themselves! But not every ship is sinking! On today’s show we’re talking to Gay Chicago Magazine’s new publisher, Michael Harrington. On the […]

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 16 years ago 7