Here's the latest in the tag cronuts

FOF #2101 – Is Perez Hilton Setting Back Gay Rights 50 Years?

Michelle Visage feels that feels that Perez Hilton’s behavior on Celebrity Big Brother is setting back “the gay community 50 years.”

Today we take a look at the impact, if any, obnoxious gay men have on LGBT equality. Is Perez Hilton’s behavior on the show bad for gay rights, or are we just blowing all of this out of proportion? You decide!

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 5

FOF #1806 – It’s OK to Yell at Michelle

Oh no she didn’t! First Lady Michelle Obama got pissed when angry lesbian activist Ellen Sturtz from the group GetEqual heckled her at a fundraiser held in a private home. Michelle got up in the woman’s face, saying it was either her way or the highway. The activist was escorted out and the party went on.

Today we’re taking a look at why gay folks are upset that one of their own heckled the First Lady.

Posted in: Podcast, Politics & Activism 12 years ago 5