Here's the latest in the tag depression.

FOF #2032 – Diary of a Dandy Punk

For a group of people who love rainbows as a symbol of personal empowerment (not talking about teenage girls) LGBT folks aren’t always the most welcoming.

Comedian Cody Melcher often feels rejected or humiliated by strangers while walking through Chicago’s gay neighborhood of Boystown just for the way he looks.

Today, the eccentric gentleman Cody Melcher talks about the burden of being a dandy punk, Mickey Mouse as a meth addict, his birthday curse and his collection of glittery fans.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 10 years ago 8

FOF #1745 – Everyone Gets a Medal

According to a recent study, Millennials, people who came of age at the turn of the Millennium are super stressed, more than any other age group.

Joining us today is comedian Sapna Kumar to take a look at why young folks are stressed, broke and apathetic, and why coming together and making things happen will be the key to getting out of our collective funk.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 3

Depression, Politics and Relationships

With Valentine’s Day coming and elections being held, we can all use a lesson in keeping it real. Here’s an good article from the Huffington Post by Michael Yapko, Clinical Psychologist, Author This week’s election […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1

FOF #1015 – Happy, Happy Homer

Comedian Homer Marrs plays a song from his new show “Smile, You Have Depression.” Have we become addicted to labeling ourselves as clinically depressed? Michael Jackson news and sex as the ultimate remedy.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Musicians, Podcast 16 years ago 8