Here's the latest in the tag eminem

Eminem’s Daughter Tweets

I’ll never forget the time I met Eminem, at a private concert for about 30 people, at my office back in Detroit. “My Name Is” just broke and I thought he’d become another one hit […]

Posted in: Music, News & Rumors, Trends, Videos 14 years ago 13

Best Super Bowl Commercial

Eminem + Chrysler = Magic!

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, People, Videos 14 years ago 5

VIDEO: Eminem and Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes

Anderson Cooper talks to Eminem on rhyming, homophobia and being an outsider

Posted in: People, Videos 14 years ago 0

FOF #1052 – Nine, Nine, Oh! Nine

Sept. 9, 2009 or 9/9/09 is a day feared by numerologists as the end of the world, a perfect day to release the Beatles re-mastered song catalog and for Apple to release new iPods and iTunes software. Obama’s big speech on healthcare and California Republican Assesmblyman Michael Duvall gets caught bragging about having sex with female lobbyists over a microphone he thought was turned off.

Posted in: Podcast, Politics & Activism, Technology 16 years ago 7