Here's the latest in the tag donald trump

The Collapse of Social Media – Dan Cass

With Facebook laying off almost 12,000 employees and Twitter canning half its workforce, it looks like death bells are tolling for two of the biggest social media players.

Will folks be willing to trust new social media networks like they’ve done before?

Today comedian Dan Cass, who studied experimental theater and dance in Russia joins us to look at the impending collapse of two major social media platforms and what is going to fill the void they leave behind?

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 2 years ago 0

FOF #2907 – Sherry Vine and Jackie Beat Fill Up The Cart on Supermarket Sweep

The TV game show Supermarket Sweep is back on the air on Sunday nights on ABC with SNL star and Drag Race judge Leslie Jones as the show’s host. To make the grocery themed quiz show even wilder they got two of the funniest drag queens, Jackie Beat and Sherry Vine, to join in as contestants competing for $100,000.

Their episode was absolutely she-larious, as Jackie’s quips cracked up the show’s host and Sherry Vine served up women of Wall-Mart meets Hollywood sex worker glamour.

Today Sherry Vine joins us from her pink boudoir in Burbank, California to talk about how she first met Jackie Beat 30 years ago and their hilarious appearance on the reboot of Supermarket Sweep.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Interviews, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2906 – Everybody Rejoice

Over the weekend folks took to the streets to celebrate as news organizations like Feast of Fun and the Associated Press declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winners of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

But being the sore loser he is, Trump hasn’t conceded, sending his goon Rudy Guilani to the Four Seasons… Total Landscaping company to let the world know they’ll fight this in court.

Today we look at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ victory, the celebrations in the streets, and what to expect until the inauguration in January.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2905 – You’re Fired!

Spoiler alert! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 US presidential election. The country is safe from evil again, and you were so worried, weren’t you? You lost so much sleep, didn’t you? You drank so much booze, didn’t you?

He did win didn’t he? Well, sort of. Republicans are declaring war on democracy by asking to stop the count in areas where they’re winning and re-count all the votes in areas where they’re losing.

Right now we’re waiting for Georgia, Pennsylvania or Nevada to announce the results so we can finally say Trump, you’re fired.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2883 – Ben Widdicombe: How I Helped the Rich become Famous and Ruin the World

For much of history, the rich and powerful avoided the limelight because they knew once everyone knows your name and how rotten you are, the guillotine comes next.

But then, something changed- “Keep my name out of your mouth” became “fake it til you make it” and fame and power became the ultimate goal. The rich hired publicists to capitalize on their image and now celebrity culture is another tool to keep terrible people in power.

How did we get here?

Today, gossip reporter Ben Widdicombe, joins us to talk about how celebrity culture is destroying everything, which he details in his new book: “Gatecrasher: How I Helped the Rich Become Famous and Ruin the World.”

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 4 years ago 0

FOF #2582 – Secret Podcast: How We Became the Feast of Fun

Here’s a story, of a lovely drag queen, who was doing drag shows all on her own. Til then one day she met a lovely fellow… that’s the way we all became the Feast of Fun.

Today on the Secret Podcast: How we turned a live drag show in Chicago into one of the world’s first and top podcasts. Plus, for the third time in twelve years, China cracks down on the practice of hiring strippers as funeral entertainment to attract larger crowds.

Posted in: Podcast 7 years ago 0

FOF #2484 – Lady Bunny Finds the Joy in Everyday Life

She looks like Dusty Springfield, sounds like Carol Channing and speaks like Bernie Sanders- it’s Lady Bunny– the queen who comes with no trigger warning because if you’re not already shooketh, you’re not paying attention.

Today, the wildly righteous Lady Bunny joins us to talk about the RuPaul’s Drag Race Snatch Game question about her, the changing nature of gay neighborhoods and how to pick up a hot man while in drag.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 7 years ago 1

FOF #2449 – Jeffrey Jay is Cooking up Trouble

The documentary TV series, My Trans American Road Trip, our friend, comedian Jeffrey Jay’s dad Mark got a lot of attention for being loveable and for his unusual explanation on why everyone must embrace transgender people.

Today Jeffrey Jay talks about his amazing dad and his obsession with Cooking shows on YouTube.

Posted in: Comedians, Drag & Trans, Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #2441 – The Wall

Like Pink Floyd’s The Wall, the Berlin Wall and the Great Wall of China, large walls often become symbols of authoritarian oppression.

Trump is pushing through his campaign promise to build a wall on the U.S./Mexico border and guess who’s paying for it? You are!

Today, writer Robyn Pennacchia joins us to take a look at walls throughout history and popular culture.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 8 years ago 2

FOF #2407 – The Ashes of Truman Capote

Our friend, comedian Cody Melcher, is so obsessed with Truman Capote, the late writer best known for his books Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood, that he bid at auction to procure Capote’s remains.

Today, Cody Melcher joins us to talk about his job as a ghost tour guide and how we wanted to develop a reality TV show where he’d scatter Truman Capote’s ashes at historical literary sites.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 1