Here's the latest in the tag haircuts

FOF #1794 – Fabulously Awkward Talk Show Moments

Barbara Walters put rumors to rest by announcing on her show The View that she’s planning to retire soon. Thanks for all the awesome interviews girlfriend!

Today, Brian Sweeney joins us to take a look at our favorite awkward talk show moments. Madonna’s strange appearances on David Letterman, Gene Simmons vs Teri Gross and Howard Stern turns the tables on Magic Johnson.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 1

PHOTO: Strange and Sexy Hazing Ritual

I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I’m kind of turned on by these four frat guys who shaved their heads to make some sort of face. You be the nose, I’ll be the […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Hunks, Images 13 years ago 0

PHOTO: Best Haircut Ever

Yes folks, those are real torn up 100 dollar bills in this man’s hair, shaved to look like a Louis Vuitton bag. However, I’m guessing that by looking at the tab of the zipper that the zipper itself is a cheap knock-off.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images 13 years ago 2