Here's the latest in the tag homeless

VIDEO: Fascinating Interview with Ted Williams, the Homeless Man with the Golden Voice

Unbelieveable. Ted Williams was just days ago living in a cold tent in Columbus, Ohio begging for money on the highway. Now due to a single viral video of him, everyone is falling all over […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, News & Rumors, People, Videos 14 years ago 3

FOF #1283 – Youth on the Streets

Every night in this country, over an estimated 400,000 LGBT youth between the ages of 13 and 21 spend the night out on the streets. The reality for many of them is that they face violence, isolation, abuse and rape, and often wind up in jail, addicted to drugs or living with HIV.

Listen as we talk to filmmaker Susi Graf about “Lost In The Crowd,” an extraordinary film about transgender youth and the celebrated Ballroom Scene in New York City.

Posted in: Filmmakers, Interviews, Podcast 14 years ago 7

VIDEO: The Worm – Episode 10 – Tenthopping

The Worm Returns! And it’s not as gross as the previous ones! Cher, Madonna and Britney, all played by Nadya Ginsburg, head to downtown LA to go ‘Tent Hopping’- In a video by Austin Young. […]

Posted in: Videos 15 years ago 3