Here's the latest in the tag marines

FOF #2941 – A Gay Marine’s Story of Surviving War, Cancer & Journalism

At the young age of 17, James Curry hoped to escape a hostile home by enlisting in the Marines, and ended up right in the middle of the terrible War in Iraq.

Today, Peabody award winning journalist and writer James Curry joins us to talk about his new book Staying Alive: Surviving Abuse, Fighting a War and Beating Cancer- My First Twenty-Five Years.

James survived his tour of duty by hiding being gay under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, but then after returning to civilian life, lost his first boyfriend and ended up homeless.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 3 years ago 2

FOF #1440 – America’s Proud Gay Marine

On Tuesday September 20th, the U.S. will officially end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” a policy that has made life hell for gay, lesbian, or bisexual people serving in the military.

Today we’re talking to Corporal Edward Clayton, America’s Proud Gay Marine, who was discharged from the Marines in 1987 before DADT was even implemented to talk about the new set of challenges for those who serve this country.

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Politicians/Activists 13 years ago 5

VIDEO: Semper Fi Britney Spears!

U.S. Marines Rocking Out to Britney Spears in Afghanistan are the Bomb! (Sorry Gaga)

Posted in: Culture & Style, Hunks, Music, Videos 13 years ago 1

VIDEO: Former NH Marine Speaks Out in Favor of Marriage Equality

On yesterday’s show we received a comment from Calvin Stowell about his brother, a former marine who is speaking out in favor of marriage equality. It’s so sweet, now if every family could be like […]

Posted in: Videos 14 years ago 0