Here's the latest in the tag mirror universe

The Mirror Has Two Faces – What the Trek? #13

Mirror universe plotlines on Star Trek can be a lot of fun for the fans as they get to see the actors they love pitted against each other and if one of them dies, we are ok with it because it was just the lousy mirror version them anyway.

What the Trek?! Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0

Kentucky Fried Kelpian – What the Trek? #12

In the original series, Vulcans are vegetarian because eating other life forms is logically barbaric. In the latest episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Emperor Georgiou goes full cannibal and gags her baby girl Michael Burnham on some Kentucky Fried Kelpian.

What the Trek?! Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0

What’s Up Voq? – What the Trek? #11

Ever since we first saw Ash Tyler in the Klingon prison cell we wondered if he might be a double agent in the house of love. In the latest Star Trek Discovery episode, “The Wolf Inside,” everyone’s pretending to be their mirror universe asshole self and Michael Burnham discovers her boyfriend Ash Tyler has been the albino Klingon Voq all along!

What the Trek?! Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 2

Through the Looking Glass – What the Trek? #10

For science fiction and comic book writers, transporting their characters into an alternate universe is an easy trick to get the characters to boldly go where they’d never gone before.

What the Trek?! Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore all the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0

Can’t Lick My Harry Mudd – What the Trek? #5

If only the Klingons knew that all you had to do to travel through space on the Discovery is to hook up some nipple clamps to a space pig and shoot it full of fungi they wouldn’t have even bothered kidnapping Captain Lorca.

What the Trek? Welcome to the podcast where we fabulously explore the strange new episodes from the TV series Star Trek: Discovery.

Posted in: Podcast, Television, What the Trek, What the Trek? 7 years ago 0