Here's the latest in the tag pagan christmas

Chris Condren Does the Space Time Warp Again

One of our favorite oddballs we’ve come across in the decades of doing the Feast of Fun podcast is musician Chris Condren, a comedian whose catchy tunes parody time travel, movie trailers and superstardom.

Today musician, comedian and time traveler Chris Condren joins us to look at 20 seasons of the Feast of Fun, carrying his keyboard in a trash can and the notorious episode “Pagan Christmas.”

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 months ago 0

FOFA #1111 – Pagan Christmas

We’re bringing some nutty holiday cheer on today’s show with our very own ginger witch Shivian Balaris- he’s here to cast a sexy spell for good fortune, and to get even with our enemies.

Comedian Chris Condren also joins us to play some insane songs about time travel and finding that perfect kind of love.

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Interviews, Podcast 14 years ago 5

FOF #1111 – Pagan Christmas

With many of the holiday traditions tracing their origins back to ancient Pagan celebrations. Do Christians owe pagans back royalties for copyright infringement?

Our sexy ginger witch Shivian Balaris joins us to cast a sexy spell for good fortune, and comedian Chris Condren plays some insane songs about time travel and robots finding that special kind of love.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast, Topics 15 years ago 26