Here's the latest in the tag painting

FOF #2974 – David Wojnarowicz’s Art Against AIDS

At the height of the AIDS crisis of the late 80s, LGBTQ folks turned to creating art, performance and music to act-up, fight back and fight AIDS.

One of the most powerful voices during the AIDS crisis was David Wojnarowicz, an artist and activist who combined punk music, graffiti, performance, painting and photography into a body of work that celebrated the outsider while speaking out against a hateful government that allowed thousands of Americans to die from AIDS.

Today we’re talking to filmmaker Chris McKim about his new film Wojnarowicz: F**k You F*ggot F**ker which takes us on a thrilling journey through the AIDS epidemic as David Wojnarowicz weaponized his work to wage war on the establishment.

Posted in: Filmmakers, Podcast 3 years ago 0

Black Velvet Tribute to Steve Jobs

I painted this two years ago during the beginnings of my obsession with black velvet paintings, and with Steve Jobs’ passing I am unapologetically making an attempt to sell it. Help me continue to afford […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Technology 13 years ago 1

Mentally Ill Woman Attacks Gauguin Painting for Being ”Very Homosexual”

Maybe it’s presumptuous to diagnose people over the internet, but what else can you say about someone who attempts to smash a painting, rip it off the wall, and then say the following to the […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, News & Rumors 14 years ago 0

My Bloody Valentine

It’s not as nice as Rei’s, but for some people, nothing says love like a black velvet painting of a panda eating a unicorn. My original painting already sold on Etsy, but if any of […]

Posted in: Animals, Images 14 years ago 1

Womans Falls Into a Picasso

A Picasso portrait of an acrobat was ripped by a woman who fell into it. The painting has a tear into now, but it’s not in the focal point of the composition and will repaired […]

Posted in: Culture & Style 15 years ago 2