Here's the latest in the tag planet of the apes

FOF #1851 – Survival of the Most Fabulous

About half of Americans reject evolution, the scientific idea that explains how all life on earth came to be. And the other half doesn’t really get it either, thinking that nature is a cruel bully that delivers wedgies of oblivion to the weak and meek.

Does anyone really get what evolution is all about? Today comedian Brian Sweeney joins us to take a look at common misconceptions homo sapiens have about evolution, and all the crazy ways it’s been portrayed in popular culture.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 1

Rise of the Planet of the Apes Trailer!

James Franco stars in this prequel to “Planet of the Apes,” the story of a chimp named Caesar that, “as the result of genetic engineering, possesses intelligence far superior to any of his kind. Soon, […]

Posted in: Hunks, Movies, Science Facts & Fiction, Videos 13 years ago 11

VIDEO: Amazing Gorilla Walks Like a Man

This amazing gorilla walks like a man. If he had a suitcase in his hand, you’d think he was off for long day at the office instead of to the corner of his pen where […]

Posted in: Animals, Videos 14 years ago 1

FOFA #635 – Podcast of the Apes

The planet of the apes might be closer than you think! Killer monkeys in India have gone too far, when last week they took out a senior Indian government official in his own home. New […]

Posted in: Podcast 17 years ago 3