Here's the latest in the tag polyamory

FOF #2718 – Velvet Rage: Flaws in 3-D

One of the gay liberation book Velvet Rage, despite all the great ideas presented, is that it misses out on the intersection of gender and sexual identity, and presents traditional, monogamous relationships as the ideal.

Today therapist and relationship expert Damon L Jacobs joins us to take a look at why some gay men get angry when they are challenged and why it’s so hard to draw strength from understanding our weaknesses.

Posted in: Podcast, Politics & Activism, Writers 5 years ago 2

FOF #2455 – I’m Not Mad at the Envelope, I’m Mad at Price Waterhouse Cooper

The 89th Academy Awards started with host Jimmy Kimmel asked everyone watching to reach out to one person they disagree with and make America great again.

But it all ended with a shocking twist, as presenter Faye Dunaway read the wrong envelope and announced La La Land instead of the real winner for the Best Picture, Moonlight.

Today we take a look at all the amazing moments of the 2017 Oscars you may have missed.

Posted in: Podcast 8 years ago 0

FOF #1949 – How to Open it Up without Shutting it Down

Relationships, like the people who make them, are as beautiful and unique as the stars in the sky. Some relationships are stricly monogamous, while others are quite fluidic.

Today, writer, polyamory expert and talk show host Cunning Minx joins us to talk about the common mistakes people make when opening up their sexual and romantic relationships to others.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 1

FOFA #298 – The Joy of The Wet Spots

Cass King and John Woods stopped by the studio in 2006 to tape a show about how music and sex play into their act called The Wet Spots. Think of them as the sex-ed class you never had but should have had, reincarnated as a jazzy cabaret musical show.

Listen as we hear some of their fantastic music and talk about bisexuality, polyamory, religion and sex.

(Originally posted on 04.27.06)

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Interviews, Musicians, Podcast 14 years ago 4

FOFA #780 – Ménage à How Many?

How many are in your party? For some people monogamy is just right, but for a growing number of people, open relationships is where they find true happiness. We are raised on fairy tales of […]

Posted in: Classic Podcasts, Interviews, Podcast, Writers 15 years ago 6

FOF #780 – Ménage à How Many?

How many are in your party? For some people monogamy is just right, but for a growing number of people, open relationships is where they find true happiness. We are raised on fairy tales of […]

Posted in: Interviews, Podcast, Writers 16 years ago 19