Here's the latest in the tag robin williams

FOF #2032 – Diary of a Dandy Punk

For a group of people who love rainbows as a symbol of personal empowerment (not talking about teenage girls) LGBT folks aren’t always the most welcoming.

Comedian Cody Melcher often feels rejected or humiliated by strangers while walking through Chicago’s gay neighborhood of Boystown just for the way he looks.

Today, the eccentric gentleman Cody Melcher talks about the burden of being a dandy punk, Mickey Mouse as a meth addict, his birthday curse and his collection of glittery fans.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 11 years ago 8

FOF #2031 – 17 Years A Showgirl

After 17 years of doing stage parodies of the movie Showgirls, San Francisco drag icon Peaches Christ is still not “too old for that ‘whorey look.’”

Showgirls bombed when it first hit theaters in 1995. Since then the movie has become a cult hit, in part thanks to dedicated and demented fans like Peaches Christ, who keep audiences excited for this oddball camp classic.

Listen as Peaches Christ shares with us some special moments she had with the recently deceased comedian Robin WIlliams.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 11 years ago 5