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FOF #2598 – Confessions of a Gay Bar Doorman

The Dalai Lama says if every child in the world could be taught to meditate, folks wouldn’t be at each other’s throats. Until that day comes, at every bar in the world there are staff who work tirelessly to keep a saloon brawl from breaking out.

Today comedian Tim Warner joins us to talk about his experience working in a slew of gay bars.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 6 years ago 0

FOF #2597 – Fearlessly Love Yourself

RuPaul loves to say “If you can’t love yourself, how you gonna love somebody else?” meaning self-acceptance is key to having a life full of happiness & love. Easy to say when you’re Supermodel of the World but for us mere mortals it’s hard to tell you inner saboteur to sashay away.

Today were taking a look at the juicy complexities of self-acceptance. Joining us is writer Derrick Clifton who writes about culture and politics for NBC news & Vox dot com.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 6 years ago 2

FOF #2596 – Love Junkies

All you need is love. Despite being the second most popular word in pop music next to the word feel- folks really have a hard time understanding what love is and how to give and receive it. Even worse, popular culture sets the idea that true love is like a drug, and if you’re not high you’re ready to say good-bye.

Today we’re taking a look at love, from the Beatles’ songs to Mr. Rogers– why all you really do need is love, but a little bit of communication, commitment and authenticity.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 6 years ago 0