Here's the latest in the tag sex toys

FOF #2957 – James Fritz Takes On Cryptocurrency and Safe Spaces

Cryptocurrency- anything can be used as cash if you get creative enough: cigarettes in prison, jugs of Tide detergent to pay your dealer, your body and soul at work, or cryptocurrency. When something is highly desired and in limited quantity, it can be used as money, honey.

Today James Fritz, who was called the funniest comedian in Chicago a decade ago, comes back on the podcast to look at the weird world of cryptocurrency and the controversy surrounding Elon Musk hosting SNL.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2857 – Peace, Purpose and Pleasure

With the coronavirus pandemic, the world has gone topsy turvy, What was once on the bottom is now on top- conservatives who used to try to shame LGBTQ folks into abstinence during the AIDS crisis are now the one’s transgressing public health concerns and are congregating for bareback barrier free church services and protests.

Today therapist and relationship expert Damon L Jacobs joins us to take a look at peace, purpose and pleasure during the age of the coronavirus pandemic with safer sex options, calming techniques and how to get ready for the political fight of your life.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 4 years ago 3

VIDEO: Stone Cold Lover Puts Bomb in Sex Toy

Stone cold lover Terry Allen Lester filled an adult toy with gunpowder and buckshot and planned on detonating it while it was being used on an ex-girlfriend.

Posted in: News & Rumors, Videos 14 years ago 1

FOF #954 – Jessica Halem is Solar Powered

Strap yourselves in! We’re talking to the very funny Jessica Halem on today’s show! She once was the executive director for Chicago’s Lesbian Community Cancer Project, and now she’s moved to Portland, Oregon to pursue […]

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 16 years ago 9