Here's the latest in the tag the boy from oz

FOF #2200 – Two Black Women

People are hopping mad at Marissa Johnson & Mara Willaford for halting a political rally in Seattle moments before presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was scheduled to speak.

By challenging the liberal candidate, these two black women are now facing a lot of heat. Many activists from Black Lives Matter are asking them to apologize and some people outside of the movement suspect sinister forces are at play.

Posted in: Podcast 10 years ago 1

PHOTO: Even Wolverine Can be Fabulous!

Okay, I know this is just taken from Hugh Jackman’s appearance from the Broadway production of “The Boy from Oz” but I rather think of it as a very gay, alternate universe X-Men where Wolverine […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, Movies, People 15 years ago 5