Here's the latest in the tag roulette

FOF #2331 – Even Bears Get the Blues

There’s no doubt that bears have foraged for themselves a supportive community in the dark woods of the gay forest, but it’s not always a jamboree- a new study says that many bears suffer from low self-esteem.

Today comedian Cody Melcher joins us to look the perils and pleasures faced by the average gay bear and why Grumpy Bear was the smartest of all the Care Bears.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 8 years ago 4

KittehRoulette – Random Cats of the Internet

The Kitteh Roulette appears to be mostly cat videos and thankfully there are no cat penises like in the real Chat Roulette! See them all.

Posted in: Animals 14 years ago 0

FOF #1172 – Live to Tell

People are hard-wired to learn through storytelling. Stories connect us to each other and tap into our deep past. Today writer Keith Ecker joins us to talk about the art of storytelling.

But before we start the show we can’t keep our eyes off the video roulette! Listen as we cajole an anonymous stud in West Hollywood to climax for you. Plus a tell-all book on Oprah Winfrey, Elizabeth Taylor tweets, J-Lo loves to pander to drag queens and a 40 year old man gets his 12 year old daughter to help him exercise nude.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast, Writers 14 years ago 5