Here's the latest from Andy Thayer

Russian Gays’ Courage Contrasts With the Shame of Western Embassies

MOSCOW, Russia, May 28th, eve of Gay Pride – This afternoon in their final court date before Moscow Pride, gays and lesbians here predictably were rejected once again by the authorities. The Tverskoi District Court […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 0

The LGBT Angle on Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Bill

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer doesn’t only have it in for undocumented immigrants, like Illinois’ own immigrant-hater Jim Oberweis, she’s opposed to equal rights for same-sex couples too.  And despite his recent words, is President Obama […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 15 years ago 1



Statement of U.S. activist at packed press conference in Moscow today denouncing city’s ban of Gay Pride: Coming from a country which illegally imprisons people without trial,... » More

On While Russian Gov’t Bigots Seem Steadfast, the Ground is Shifting Beneath Them

Update on the news here- » More

On Moscow Pride to Go on Despite Ban