Here's the latest from Andy Thayer

The Cowardice of Gay Inc.

The Cowardice of Gay, Inc. In failing to support Bradley Manning, the most important whistle-blower since the Vietnam War, our major LGBT organizations — “Gay, Inc.” —  betray their own mission statements and fail to […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 12 years ago 0

With Equal Marriage Victories in California & Washington, It’s Time to Step Up in Illinois!

With this week’s victory over California’s Proposition 8 and next week’s likely passage of marriage equality legislation in the State of Washington, it’s a golden opportunity to push for full marriage equality here in the […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Today’s Protest Canceled, but Cardinal George’s ”Apology” to Gays Doesn’t Get to the Heart of the Matter

Even though the Gay Liberation Network finds the “apology” of Francis George woefully inadequate, we nevertheless agree to call off the protest scheduled for January 8 (tomorrow, Sunday) at Holy Name Cathedral.  While taking this […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Cardinal George, You’ve Got to be Kidding

Nope.  You really are that much of a bigot. In comparing LGBT rights activists to the KKK — and then repeatedly refusing to apologize or even distance himself from this outrageous comment — Chicago’s Cardinal […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism 13 years ago 4

Cardinal George Takes Another Pot-Shot @ LGBT Activists

Cardinal George compares GLN to KKK.  Silly George, the KKK also used religion to deflect charges of bigotry. Here’s our response: “In comparing LGBT rights advocates to the KKK, the Cardinal shows that he is […]

Posted in: People, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Prominent Promoter of Uganda’S “Kill-the-Gays” Bill to be Honored in Chicago Suburb

GLN Planning October 15th Protest A stridently anti-gay organization, “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” (AFTAH), is planning to honor Scott Lively, a principal proponent of Uganda’s proposed death penalty bill for gays, at its annual […]

Posted in: People, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Gay Pakistani Leader Ifti Nasim, R.I.P.

Ifti Nasim, a good friend of mine, died late Friday night. For those not fortunate enough to have known him, here is a quick sketch of who he was. Ifti was perhaps the most prominent […]

Gay Hero, Alleged Wikileaker Bradley Manning

Obama Administration Imprisons Alleged Whistleblower, Continues Bush War Crimes 21-year-old Bradley Manning is a gay man imprisoned for for allegedly leaking the trove of U.S. diplomatic communications published by Wikileaks. These leaks exposed the rampant […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Politics & Activism 13 years ago 0

Gay Alleged Wikileaker Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning, a gay man, is the alleged source of the Wikileaks revelations which blew the lid off of U.S. war crimes in Iraq and exposed America’s dealings with corrupt and brutal dictators around the […]

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Politics & Activism, Videos 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Birth of a Transgender Movement in Russia

Birth of a Transgender Movement in Russia. Transgender activists in Russia are making their contribution to the international LGBT movement. In this video, GayRussia activist Anna Komarova talks about some of the ground-breaking activities taking […]


Reply Please note that today’s protest is canceled. However, there will be a protest in front of Holy Name Cathedral on Sunday, Feb. 12 — see... » More

On Cardinal George, You’ve Got to be Kidding

I wish it were simply the incompetence of the police. Instead, they directly attacked us, with the fascists getting in their kicks and punches where... » More

On Moscow Pride 2011: a Response to the Obama Administration’s Statement

By our count, 18 pro-lgbt demonstrators were arrested today (15 Russians and 3 internationals), as were an unknown number of fascists who tried to attack us.... » More

On Moscow Gays to Defy Police & Neo-Nazi Threats

My statement at the Press Conference on the Day Before Moscow Pride 2011 Introduction by Nikolai Alekseev, President of GayRussia: [Switching from Russian to English]…and the third time... » More

On Moscow Gays to Defy Police & Neo-Nazi Threats
Reply Yes, a nice victory! The only shame is that Apple still hasn’t issued a public apology, let alone acknowledged that they made a mistake in... » More

On Protest Apple’s Sponsorship of Anti-Gay Phone App!