Here's the latest from Dr. Toussaint

Jim Carrey’s Hot and Sweaty Gay Sex Scene (This Article is SFW. Just Don’t Click the Link)

First of all, no I will not embed the video 🙂 Jim Carrey has stared in many of our favorite films. I remember laughing my child butt off at Ace Ventura and The Mask. His […]

Posted in: Movies 14 years ago 1

A Big Gay Holywood Haunting!

There is a weekly podcast put out by public radio called “The Moth”. Basically people go up on a stage for an event with the same name (The Moth). They must tell stories live with […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images, People 14 years ago 4

California County Office Bars Gay Man From Visiting His Partner in the Hospital… Then is Kicked Out of His House by the County and Tossed Into a Nursing Home.

This has got to be one of the saddest things I have ever read. A gay couple, Clay and Harold, set up tons of legal documents to protect their rights as a couple. They gave […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, People, Politics & Activism 14 years ago 1

NPR Sums Up the Housing Crisis in a Way the Gays Will Love.

Are you as confused about how we got into this mess as… well… everyone else? This American Life in colaboration with ProPublica and Planet Money did a REALLY deep study of one company, Magnatar, and […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Politics & Activism, Trends, video 14 years ago 0

Neil Patrick Harris… As a Shoe Fairy? I Don’t Think It Gets Gayer Than This, Kids.

Neil Patrick Harris outdoes himself in the Sesame Street segment where he plays the shoe fairy. Thats right, he’s got wings, glitter, a song and isn’t afraid to use any of them! Honestly, it’s gotta […]

Posted in: Hunks, Music, People, video 15 years ago 0

California May be the First State in the Union to Legalize Marijuana for Personal Use.

The application passed with flying colors yesterday to place a measure on California’s November ballot that would allow adults, 21 and over, to posses up to ounce of pot for personal use. It also allows […]

House Passes Healthcare Bill Through Reconciliation!

Looks like the Republicans are getting a taste of thier own medicine. Reconciliation has thwarted their attempts to kill this long contested bill. As of this evening, it’s passed the house and will be passed […]

Sexy CK Underwear Add Asks if You Want to See a Guy’s *Beep*

I love that hulu put on a commercial targeted at gay men! How do I know it’s for gay guys? Well, after asking you if you want to see his *beep* he then asks what […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Hunks, video 15 years ago 4

Very Cool Radio Story on How Homosexuality Was Removed From the DSM in 1973. This Officialy Uncalssified Homosexuality as a Mental Ilness.

This Amercian Life is a weekly NPR program that does a really fatastic job of telling stories. This week was a re-broadcast of the very important work of gays in the 1960s and ’70s to […]

Posted in: Politics & Activism, Science Facts & Fiction 15 years ago 0

Republicans Take the Senate!

Looks like our departed senator Kennedy left the spot open…. for GOP statesman Scott Brown to take the seat. Looks like Dems only have 59 votes in the senate now. I am sure the insurance […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Politics & Activism 15 years ago 5



Spent all day yesterday congratulating my queer military friends and overall celebrating. This was a great day for America. Though one person did mention something I... » More

On DADT is History- Senate Votes to Repeal the Military’s Ban Gay & Lesbian People Serving Openly

This is like the creepiest thing I’ve seen all week… and I saw lady ga ga’s most recent twitpic! It’s nice that he didn’t have a... » More

On VIDEO: Pastor Speaks in Tongues at Equality Protest

He can’t hold his umbrella. He needs one hand to hold his hat and the other to grope that hottie umbrella boy. » More

On PHOTOS: Chace Crawford Won’t Hold His Own Gay Umbrella

Yay! Finally one of them sees the gross error of their ways. Or at least says he sees it. The proof is gonna be in the... » More

On Outed Gay Republican Makes Compelling Mea Culpa

I use that line allllllll the time on the hot guys at the gym in the locker room. “Wanna conserve some water with me?”. » More

On Group Showers Mandated to Conserve Water