Here's the latest from GrrrlRomeo

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There are also many female-assigned-at-birth women who don’t menstruate. I’m 35 and had to have my ovaries removed last year due to complications with ovarian cysts.... » More

On VIDEO: Transphobic Tampon Ads – Pull the Plug, Already!

Well…I’m an overweight white girl. I agree that this flash mob was pretty sad. But it doesn’t have anything with the way they look. It looks... » More

On VIDEO: Chicagoist Blog Describes Darren Criss Dance Party Video as “World’s Saddest Flash Mob”

Okay, screwing hogs is gross. But 120 years in jail gross? People don’t even get that kind of time for killing or maiming animals. » More

On Mississippi Man Gives Hogs Vaginal Infections

Introducing straight people to their heterosexual privilege without causing them to get defensive. It’s magic. » More

On VIDEO: When Did You Choose to Be Straight?

Well, I know who the biggest sexist is. » More

On Who IS the Biggest Ho?