I guess an intro would be proper wouldn’t it; my name is James most people call me Jim. I love to workout and the gay eye candy you tend to find at the gym. My hobbies have included things like the gay bar well mostly dancing when I’m having a bad day I just dance…It my spoonful of sugar that helps the rough medicine of life go down. If you want to know more follow me on Facebook. If you listen to feast of fun I know your clued into this whole social media thing… Peace out
Contact me: Yahoo
As far as black lives matter I am Pro-Cop and Pro-Black. I will not take sides. For not all Cops are bad, as not... » More
Hey Queen is abslurly fabulous in my book. I’m enjoying Rupaul’s drags race and I’m still not ready to see it go in ten... » More
Sad to here Rupaul only has two seasons left, It’s not surprising given the fact that second tier digital cable reality shows are on a limited... » More
Great to hear from Amanda again, what do you guys think about Stacy Clinton’s new show “LOVE, LUST OR RUN.” A show that asks random people... » More
Yous show was amazing as always and got me thinking about Drag Queens and copyright. It’s is true that bars and restraints must buy a license... » More