Here's the latest from Famewreck

A Dream Within a Dream: Full Frontal Tom Hardy! (NSFW)

“Inception” and “The Dark Knight Rises” star, Tom Hardy, goes full frontal in the “short” film: “Sergeant Slaughter, My Brother.”  Skip to the 2:00 mark and enjoy before YouTube jerks it off!

Posted in: Hunks, Movies, News & Rumors, Videos 14 years ago 2

The Villian in the Amazing Spider-Man is Sally Field!

That would be awesome, but no. Sally Field has been cast as Aunt May in director Marc Webb’s SPIDER-MAN reboot. Uncle Ben will be played by Martin Sheen (Charlie’s Absentee Father). Expect lots of Boniva […]

Posted in: Movies, News & Rumors, Science Facts & Fiction 14 years ago 2

Happy ”Super Moon”

Oh Kim Kardashian, who told you that you could wear leather pants? Tonight’s “Super Moon” will appear brighter and bigger than other full moons and some believe that it’s connected to natural disasters. I couldn’t […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Science Facts & Fiction, Travel 14 years ago 1

How to Save Wonder Woman

We all agree the new “Wonder Woman” costume is a catastrophe. A betrayal of the years we’ve spent together and I’m this close to making the shows creator, David E. Kelly, sleep on the couch […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, News & Rumors 14 years ago 13

Great Hera! Wonder Woman Costume Revealed!

Now I’m worried. This looks exactly like the outift I bought at “Hot Topic” that weekend I spent in Palm Springs with Robert Downey Jr. What two grown men do in the privacy of their […]

VIDEO: What if Kurt Dated Dave Franco?

What might that first kiss have been like? This mashup of Kurt’s tender moment on GLEE and Dave Franco’s sexually charged “Funny or Die” standoff is pop culture parody of the finest caliber. Dave Franco […]

Posted in: Hunks, Questions, Trends, Videos 14 years ago 6

Disappointing Gay Best Friend

We can’t be “Fresh, Funny and Fabulous” all the fucking time.

Posted in: Culture & Style, Embed, People, Trends 14 years ago 1

Apple: The Movie!

Another gay metaphor for the iPad, or a chillingly accurate depiction of the future? “The Apple is the temptation. The Apple is the forbidden fruit. The Apple takes your soul.” You’ve been warned.

Posted in: Movies, Science Facts & Fiction, Technology, Videos 14 years ago 0

VIDEO: The Guiltiest Dog in the World

This is the same look my ex boyfriend had after I busted him for having an affair with that guy from “Quicken Loans.”

Posted in: Animals, Videos 14 years ago 4

Finally, a Katie Perry Song Your Sugar Daddy Will Love

Katy Perry’s “ET” gets the classical treatment from Aston. Grab a glass of warm milk and enjoy!

Posted in: Culture & Style, Music, Trends, Videos 14 years ago 2


Reply Check out this link! » More

On The World’s Biggest Celebrity Magnet

The Only Review That Matters. » More

On FOF #1761 – The Rich Cultural Legacy of Madonna

Your move Romney. » More

On VIDEO: Rick Santorum Catches Himself Dropping The ”N Bomb” on Obama!

Thanks Mododavid, words can’t describe how this makes me feel. Like that awkward moment when Alicia SIlverstone chews your food for you. » More

On VIDEO: Rick Santorum Catches Himself Dropping The ”N Bomb” on Obama!

As Seen On TV » More

On How You Doin, Tumblr?