Here's the latest from Marc Felion

FOF #2918 – Ten Years of Glitter Day

This January marks the 10 year anniversary of Glitter Day, the fabulous holiday in celebration of all things magical and sparkly inside all of us.

The idea for an LGBTQ+ centric winter holiday began as a funny bit on the podcast and amazingly the idea caught on like wildfire. Glitter Day is now celebrated around the world!

Today our dear friend Michael Lehet joins us to look back on a decade of Glitterous Glory, and other wonderfully weird and wild ideas that caught on the Internet.

Posted in: Podcast, Video Bloggers, Writers 4 years ago 2

FOF #2917 – Alton DuLaney’s Great Gift Exchange

This holiday season, one of YouTube’s most anticipated new shows is The Great Gift Exchange, a 12 part series aiming to inspire people on the art of gift wrapping and giving back to their community.

The Great Gift Exchange invites 12 YouTube stars to visit the secret studio of my dear friend Alton DuLaney, who really is the world’s most famous gift wrapping artist, to learn how to transform a gift into something magical through the art of gift wrapping.

Today Alton DuLaney, joins us to talk about his journey to becoming the top media personality for wrapping gifts, and his wild early days as a performance artist with the Performance Art Church (Pe.A.Ch) in Austin, Texas.

Posted in: Podcast, YouTube Celebrities 4 years ago 0

FOF #2916 – A Very Lady Bunny Covid Christmas

When winter’s chill sets upon us during the holiday season, it’s a perfect time for Lady Bunny to deliver a flaming hot roast, and this Christmas nobody’s safe, not even Santa!

Today Lady Bunny lets us open our Christmas presents early and play some of her funniest songs from her new holiday special “What Child is This.”

In her new holiday special “What Child is This?”- Lady Bunny examines our not-so-quiet desperation living in the pandemic where Republicans have politicized the act of human kindness of wearing masks.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2915 – Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian Christmas Miracle

Billed as the first mainstream rom-com to feature LGBTQ characters front and center, Hulu’s holiday feature “Happiest Season,” aims to reach a big audience with its tender-hearted comedy starring Twilight’s Kristen Stewart and Terminator Dark Fate’s Mackenzie Davis.

Today we’re taking a look at all the queer romantic comedy, made-for-TV holiday films that will be stuffing your TV stocking this season, including “Happiest Season” which we think would be great if it was renamed K-Stew’s Queer Christmas Miracle.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2914 – Sari, Not Sorry! Kamani Sutra, the South Indian Drag Queen

Way before the British colonized India and brought with them homophobia and transphobia, lots of Indian people practiced the art of the Kama Sutra which celebrates the art of living well and how to get your freak on.

Our guest today is South Asian bearded drag queen Kamani Sutra who was inspired to dress up in drag by her grandfather who used to dress up in women’s clothing to perform at festivals.

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2913 – St Sukie de la Croix’s Very British Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a little fairy named Sukie who grew up to see his world change through the impact of Stonewall and the rise of the modern gay rights movement, the AIDS crisis, and the rule of the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.

Today St Sukie de la Croix lifts the veil on his mysterious persona and tells us of his early upbringing in a working class family in post WWII England and partying with Princess Margaret.

Listen as we chat with Sukie about his new book “The Memoir of a Groucho Marxist: A Very British Fairy Tale” which takes us on a magical realist journey throughout his childhood.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 4 years ago 0

FOF #2912- Hanukkah if You’re Horny

Hanukkah is just around the corner and while you might not celebrate the holiday yourself yet, it’s never too late to get in on some of the festivities.

After all, no where in the Torah does it say thou shalt not have a little fun.

Today comedian Meg Grunewald has got you covered in the Jewish holiday department- she’s bringing back her holiday special, Home for Hanukkah with Bubbe: an interactive holiday experience where she invited you to come celebrate the festival of lights.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2911 – Checking Your Attitude for Gratitude

2020 has been a hell of a year. With the Covid pandemic raging on and Republicans pushing everything to the brink of collapse, it’s beyond ironic that the last show we did in 2019 with comedian Brian Sweeney was called “The Year of Hell” yet this year is definitely worse, or is it?

After all there’s nothing so rotten, that some good can’t come from it, we’ve had a pretty good election and with Georgia’s January runoff, progressive superstar Stacy Abrahms is now a key figure in the balance of power between Americans and facism.

Today our favorite grouch Brian Sweeney joins us to look at things we’re grateful for that did come to pass in 2020.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2910 – The Dangers of Thanksgiving

According to the National Safety Council, over half of all accidents occur in the home and the kitchen is the most dangerous room in the house which makes Thanksgiving the deadliest holiday of them all.

So maybe this holiday season with most people staying home alone due to the Covid pandemic, we can all be grateful that the worst thing that can happen when you stay home is you’ll burn the roof of your mouth eating microwaved pumpkin pie hot pockets.

Today we’re taking a look at some of the most dangerous and wild things that can happen during Thanksgiving.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2909 – How to Pass the Audition By Fearlessly Being Yourself

Some folks get so nervous about going into a job interview or an audition, that their minds can’t stop thinking about those over the top demanding directors from films like A Chorus Line, All that Jazz, The Producers, Flashdance and even Showgirls. How real are they?

Today we’re talking to acting teacher, filmmaker and director Anthony Meindl about how to be your authentic self- in your everyday life or at your job, even if you’re auditioning to be a star on Broadway.

Posted in: Actors, Interviews, Podcast, Writers 4 years ago 0



thanks for the info! » More

On Feeding the Military Muscle – Jeff Kurtz

I thought he was being poetic about the “novel’ part. » More

On FOF #2899 – 10 Years of Wild, Unadulterated Fun

Ha! Thanks! Tia Juana was a drag queen a met. » More

On FOF #2834 – Wonder Woman and Super Tuesday

Thanks. I fixed the instance. » More

On FOF #2774 – Adventures in Forced Feminization

I can’t wait to go back! » More

On FOF #2642- A Madonna Style Tribute to Aretha Franklin