Here's the latest from Marc Felion

Feast of Fun Wins People’s Choice Podcast Award for Fourth Year

CHICAGO, IL – We’re thrilled to announce that Feast of Fun won the 2009 People’s Choice Podcast Award for “Best GLBT” podcast. This is the fourth year in a row that the daily talk show […]

Posted in: About the FOF, Awards 15 years ago 11

Watch the Peoples Choice Podcast Awards Tonight Here at 7:00 Central Time

Feast of Fun is thrilled to be nominated for two prizes this year, Best GLBT podcast and the top category of People’s Choice in the People’s Choice Podcast Awards. If we win, we’ll make a […]

Posted in: Topics 15 years ago 5

Will Na’vi Surpass Klingon?

They created a whole new language for the movie Avatar. Right now, the language only has about one thousand words, but the man who created it plans to expand it further and hopes it will […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Science Facts & Fiction 15 years ago 0

FOF #1109 – The Year of Hell

What a miserable year! As 2009 comes to an end, we’re reminded of what a terrible year it was for not just the nation, but for gay people as well.

But it’s not all bad. 2009 was also a year where millions of people felt empowered to stand up and say “I want my rights” and a lot of people had some sexy good times. Comedian Adam Guerino joins us to find the healing power of laughter inside all the misery. Listen as we look at the impact of the ugly Christmas sweater on this holiday season and the worst Christmas presents ever given.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 15 years ago 4

Rick Warren Speaks Out Agianst Ugandan Law

It’s Churchy but at least he’s renouncing the Ugandan law. I really don’t expect much from Uganda, after all they did have the oppressive and cruel Edi Amin as president for years.

Posted in: News & Rumors, People, Politics & Activism, video 15 years ago 7

FOF #1108 – Jen Porter is Grateful for What She’s Got

While camping in Minnesota, musician Jen Porter got trapped inside her tent at night while a terrible tornado raged on. The next morning Jen awoke not in the land of Oz, but next to an enormous tree trunk that crashed next to her tent, only a foot away from her head. Listen as Jen plays songs from her new album “Closer to the Surface” and sings her musical version of the viral “Brad Pitt” poem that’s become an online hit.

In the news: Bruce Springstein wants gay marriage, Chinese health scares, Edward Scissorhands and Fausto’s quest to be a mall Santa.

Posted in: Live Music Sessions, Musicians, Podcast 15 years ago 0

Worst Christmas Presents

Here a list of worst Christmas presents. My favorite is the woman who got a pound of frozen ground beef from the fridge from her-ex-boyfriends mother. i would have defrosted it right in front of […]

Posted in: Culture & Style 15 years ago 3

FOF #1107 – Sabrina Matthew’s Keen Eye

Comedian Sabrina Matthews was scuba diving off the coast of Myanmar when she was attacked by a barracuda that sliced through her diving mask and slit her left eyeball wide open.

A year and several operations later, she sees the world in a whole new way so please join us as Sabrina fill us in on her life and experience as a stand up comedian. In the news: Funny food from Down Under, Sexy Santas and fish that safe to eat.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 15 years ago 6

Oprah Is Leaving but Harpo Studios Is Staying

Oprah may be leaving form warmer weather but her Harpo Studios is staying put. The studio plans “to develop and produce new and continuing shows for syndication, prime time, cable, digital, radio and emerging platforms […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, People 15 years ago 2

Malice in Wonderland (NSFW)

I think the best drug to watch this on would be LSD, or maybe pot. (NSFW)

Posted in: Topics 15 years ago 3



thanks for the info! » More

On Feeding the Military Muscle – Jeff Kurtz

I thought he was being poetic about the “novel’ part. » More

On FOF #2899 – 10 Years of Wild, Unadulterated Fun

Ha! Thanks! Tia Juana was a drag queen a met. » More

On FOF #2834 – Wonder Woman and Super Tuesday

Thanks. I fixed the instance. » More

On FOF #2774 – Adventures in Forced Feminization

I can’t wait to go back! » More

On FOF #2642- A Madonna Style Tribute to Aretha Franklin