Here's the latest from Rick Aiello

The Fantastic Miss Piggy!

It’s no secret that Miss Piggy is someone very, very special. But did you know that she once had her own TV special? Now THAT is SPECIAL! This 1982 special starring the fantastic Miss Piggy, […]

Posted in: Dragipedia 17 years ago 13

Easter: The Hidden Gay Holiday

Check out Curtis Jensen’s fantastic video of San Francisco’s drag queen Easter Bonnet contest. Curtis writes in the forums: “Yes Halloween is totally fucked up in San Francisco, but I’ll just bet you don’t have […]

Posted in: Media Mentions 17 years ago 0



This is beautiful tribute, Fausto. I am so happy to have known Victoria personally, and am very saddened by her loss. When I think of the... » More

On Farewell Victoria Lamarr – RIP

Sticky Biiiiible…. I died. 🙂 » More

On FOF #1603- Puppets Gone Wild

I feel I need to clairfy my comment that the guys mentioned on the show today – “There’s one against.” It was in response to... » More

On FOF #1582 – President Obama Rides the Rainbow Unicorn of Equality

Wow… this is SO informative. I would love to hear more from Jennifer! Thanks guys, for this great guest and the extremely interesting topic.... » More

On FOF #1550 – This is the Voice I Want to Use

Oh yuck!!! » More

On VIDEO: Urine Soaked Eggs All the Rage in China