Here's the latest from scottherman

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Marc, I have been filming in this studio for a year! lol 🙂 » More

On VIDEO: ARM-ageddon! Get HUGE ARMS For The Summer!

What do you mean? » More

On VIDEO: ARM-ageddon! Get HUGE ARMS For The Summer!

I thought the whole point of “fighting for equality” was to put an end to who cares who is gay or straight? » More

On VIDEO: This Video of Tim Tebow Says It All

That is what I like to hear boys!! 🙂 » More

On VIDEO: Bicep Blaster Workout 1

No matter how much you three hate me for being myself (hypocrites). I am still going to stick up for your rights. » More

On VIDEO: Hamstrings to Beefstrings- With a Bit of Calves on the Side!