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FOF #1871 – Will You Die for Madonna’s Art Revolution?

Ever since Madonna became a household name, the pop star has wanted to become embraced as a serious actor and filmmaker. But hilariously, her ego always becomes the star of the movie.

Today Nadya Ginsburg, the woman of a 1,000 voices, talks about Madonna’s new film secretprojectrevolution where we get to see Madonna play her favorite bondage roles, while shooting her amazing back-up dancers in the head- a mercy killing.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 12

VIDEO: Eric Himan Sings “Everything to You”

Eric Himan has a new tattoo and a new album: Gracefully. Watch as Eric performs his new single from the album “Everything to You” as part of today’s live music session.

Posted in: Music, Video Podcast, Videos 11 years ago 1

FOF #1870 – And the Beat Goes On

It’s been an exciting journey for Eric Himan, who got a lot of attention in 2003 for his good looks and debut album All for Show. Suprisingly he’s taking his career in a new direction by starting an online cooking show.

Today Eric Himan cooks up for us a delicious live music session of songs from his new album Gracefully– and talks about the ever changing music scene for do-it-yourself artists.

Posted in: Live Music Sessions, Podcast 11 years ago 3

VIDEO: Zach Galifianakis Beats Up Justin Beiber

It’s about time. Even know we all know Justin Beiber is in on the joke, it is nice to hear Zach Galifianakis grill the “young punk” Justin Beiber about his ridiculous scandals including pot-smoking, peeing […]

Posted in: Videos 11 years ago 0

VIDEO: Jimmy Fallon, the Roots Jam with Sesame Street

One of the best yet. Jimmy, the Roots & the cast of Sesame Street play the “Sesame Street” theme on classroom instruments in the Late Night Music Room. I can’t believe the managed to get […]

Posted in: Music, Television, Videos 11 years ago 0

IMAGE: A Prescription for Liquor

That’s okay, hic, officer, I have, hic, a prescription from my doctor. Like Medical Marijuana, back when alcohol was prohibited in the U.S. doctors would issue prescriptions for whiskey and other spirits. The Walgreens drug […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, Images 11 years ago 0

FOF #1869 – A Spicy Meatball

Guido Barilla , Pasta Barilla’s CEO must have been hitting the sauce when he got himself into boiling water when he said on an Italian radio show that his company “likes the traditional family” and you’re not going to see any gays in Barilla’s advertising. And if gays don’t like it, “they can always go eat someone else’s pasta.”

Joining us today is blogger Nico Lang to talk about the great pasta boycott spinning around on your fork and how to make a boycott really count.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 4

FOF #1868 – Working on a Sex Farm

For many people it’s important to not just come out of the closet, but to break down all barriers when it comes to their sexuality. It’s these barriers that hold us back everywhere: in our jobs and in our lives.

Today comedian Kevin Allison joins us to talk about opening up creatively by exploring hiss sexuality at a kink camp. You may remember Kevin as the openly gay cast member of MTV’s comedy show The State from the early 90s.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 10

FOF #1867 – Lick it Up

Nobody’s gotten more tongues wagging recently about tongue wagging like Miley Cyrus, who just said that she totally meant for her VMA performance to be awkward, and because she’s sick of people giving her hell, vows to never stick her tongue out again. Promises, promises.

Today we’re licking it up with musician Stephen Leonard – pop culture moments when stars stood out for sticking out their tongues.

Posted in: Live Music Sessions, Podcast 11 years ago 3

FOF #1866 – Fund my Big Fat Gay Wedding

Physique model Eric Turner and his South African boyfriend Morné Coetzer endured a heap of negative attention when a gossip blog harshly criticized them for crowdsourcing part of their wedding costs so that one of the groom’s parents could attend their wedding in South Africa.

Joining us today is comedian Megan Gailey, who despite being single and loving to go to parties, isn’t exactly thrilled to be invited to so many, many wedding thrown by her friends.

Posted in: Podcast 11 years ago 5