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FOF #1808 – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the NSA

Remember all those times you Googled Al Qaeda? The NSA remembers. Today we take a look at the unsettling revelation that that nine giants of the tech industry have been handing over everything to the National Security Agency. All our texts, photos, videos, social media and phone content is being data mined by the NSA, for the purpose of fighting terrorism.

Didn’t President Obama read the cliff notes of George Orwell’s 1984?

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 4

FOF #1807 – Tomboy Ahoy!

As a little tomboy, comedian Brianna Baker felt pressure to use the boy’s bathroom in order to avoid people’s outrage. Her over the top grandmother Phyllis even offered her $200 to dress up like a lady. Ironically, this little girl that passed for boy grew up to be a tall gorgeous woman.

Today we’re chatting with Brianna Baker, one of Chicago’s rising comics. Her one woman show “Bede” that recounts her life as a biracial tombow growing up in a small town has gotten a lot of critical acclaim.

Posted in: Comedians, Interviews, Podcast 12 years ago 1

VIDEO: London Landmark Building Gets a Handy

“Act of Parliament” or “Jerkin’ the Gherkin” aims to draw attention to to how the governement is influenced by the financial sector. Artist’s statement: “We have turned the Gherkin into the worlds tallest dick. We […]

Posted in: Culture & Style, video 12 years ago 0

FOF #1806 – It’s OK to Yell at Michelle

Oh no she didn’t! First Lady Michelle Obama got pissed when angry lesbian activist Ellen Sturtz from the group GetEqual heckled her at a fundraiser held in a private home. Michelle got up in the woman’s face, saying it was either her way or the highway. The activist was escorted out and the party went on.

Today we’re taking a look at why gay folks are upset that one of their own heckled the First Lady.

Posted in: Podcast, Politics & Activism 12 years ago 5

FOF #1805 – The Purrrfect Legacy of Eartha Kitt

The late great Eartha Kitt is probably best remembered for her role as the iconic Catwoman on TV’s Batman as well as for her provocative songs. Eartha took her show all over the world, and along for the ride, was her daughter Kitt, who Eartha took everywhere.

Joining us today is Kitt Shapiro, who is now dedicating her life to preserving her mother’s legacy with the lifestyle brand Simply Eartha.

Posted in: Actors, Interviews, Musicians, Podcast 12 years ago 9

FOF #1804 – Dance Ten, Looks Three

Michael Douglas said in an interview that he didn’t think his throat cancer was the result of years of drinking and smoking, but from eating out! Not at restaurants, but at the Y.

Today Brian Sweeney joins us to talk about chest, derrieres and HPV. Does oral sex really put you at risk for cancer?

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 1

FOF #1803 – Gay Bears Stir Up the Honey Pot

When it comes to being a sex symbol, the concept of a gay bear or even gay bros is pretty new. We’re not talking about grizzlies hunting for honey in the woods, are we?

Today Jamie Williamson, Activity Director for the Great Lakes Bears joins us to take a look at gay bears and gay bros- men’s groups that have popped up in the last couple of decades in response to mainstream gay culture and sex.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 6

VIDEO: Cristiano Ronaldo Strips Down and Gets Measured

The very sexy Real Madrid soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo strips down and gets measured for a wax figure that will be unveiled at Madrid Wax Museum next fall. What I wouldn’t give to be those […]

Posted in: Sports 12 years ago 0

FOF #1802 – A Camping We Will Go

Many people who have never gone camping think it’s romantic– like a Brokeback mountain adventure where nature allows us to blossom. But in reality nature want’s to kill us all.

Today Boy Scout comedian Chris Doucette joins us to tell stories of going camping with a horde of lesbians, his real life Brokeback mountain experience and fighting with pirates in the mountains of Tennessee.

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Podcast 12 years ago 0

FOF #1801 – Men of Steel

This summer millions of people will flock to movie theaters to catch Man of Steel, the latest reboot of the Superman franchise. For over 75 years, Superman has had so many different adventures in so many different forms of media that it’s come to the point of being ridiculous.

Joining us today is comedian and comic book fan Brian Sweeney to take a look at why it’s so hard to make Superman movies exciting, and yet why we’re still irresistibly attracted to the man of steel.

Posted in: Podcast 12 years ago 1